$97.00 USD

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Performance School

Unlock the secrets to ultimate performance with the Performance School video course. This comprehensive program spans six insightful modules, each aimed at guiding you towards achieving unparalleled success. The curriculum delves deep into optimizing performance, mastering mornings, handling nerves, maintaining focus, learning from world's top performers, and cultivating resilience.

Key Benefits:

  • Understanding Success: Gain a thorough grasp of the biology behind success, and learn the importance of sleep, breaks, mindset, and intentional practice for performance optimization.
  • Mastering Mornings: Develop an empowering morning routine involving gratitude and wisdom journaling, mobility & exercise, deep breathing & cold showers, and motivational priming.
  • Handling Nerves: Learn potent techniques for managing stress and nerves, such as physiological change, premortem, goal orientation, sigh breathing, minute meditation, and envisioning the future.
  • Achieving Focus: Understand what matters most, how to remove distractions, handle interruptions, harness the power of questioning, and utilize time boxing for achieving unwavering focus.
  • Learning from the Best: Draw lessons from the world's top performers on grit, mindset, prioritization, execution, compounding results, thoughtfulness, and stepping up to challenges.
  • Building Resilience: Discover how to handle failure, rejection, tough times, and uncertainty, developing a strong bounce-back ability.

Each module of the Performance School has been meticulously designed to provide a transformative experience, drawing on cutting-edge research and practices adopted by world-leading performers. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this course offers valuable insights and tools to help you excel. Start your journey towards peak performance today!